Want to write mathematical symbols and expressions in R graphics? You can use an R expression() instead of normal text, e.g. plot(1:10, main = expression(alpha + beta)). Below is a demo that shows you everything about plotting math in R (it was written by the R Core Team; see ?plotmath for details):


plot of chunk plotmath plot of chunk plotmath plot of chunk plotmath plot of chunk plotmath plot of chunk plotmath

Combining expressions and text

If you want to combine multiple mathematical expressions with text, use paste() inside expression(), as in the following.

par(mar = c(4, 4, 2, 0.1))
plot(rnorm(100), rnorm(100),
  xlab = expression(hat(mu)[0]), ylab = expression(alpha^beta),
  main = expression(paste("Plot of ", alpha^beta, " versus ", hat(mu)[0])))

plot of chunk math-text

Finally, if we want to include variables from an R session in mathematical expressions, and substitute in their actual values, we can use substitute().

par(mar = c(4, 4, 2, 0.1))
x_mean <- 1.5
x_sd <- 1.2
hist(rnorm(100, x_mean, x_sd),
  main = substitute(
    paste(X[i], " ~ N(", mu, "=", m, ", ", sigma^2, "=", s2, ")"),
    list(m = x_mean, s2 = x_sd^2)

plot of chunk math-text-sub


  • This article was reproduced from vistat


08 April 2013
